“The secret to getting ahead is getting started.”
The elusive, often difficult mystery of acquiring, keeping, and continuing to produce enough money to be able to live the life of our choosing.

WATCH! See The Financial Fitness Difference!
Economic affairs do not have to be boring or stressful. Anyone can enjoy learning to master personal finance with the easy-to-follow teachings of the Financial Fitness Program. But the material is so solid and comprehensive that even accounting professionals find benefit. CPAs can even earn 22.5 self-study CPE credits by completing the material in the Financial Fitness Program and passing an online exam with an IRS Approved Continuing Education Provider registered with the NASBA as a QAS Sponsor of Continuing Professional Education, and the CPE credit hours satisfy or exceed the updated AICPA/NASBA guidelines on self-study CPE activated in 2014 for all 50 states and US territories.

Learn how to eliminate debt entirely in as little as 2 to 5 years! What’s required is an understanding of the principles behind the Offense, Defense, and Playing Field of personal finance.
- Why you need to have a long-term vision
- Harnessing the power of compounding to work for you instead of against you
- Why investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make
- The habits of saving and budgeting
- The benefits of practicing delayed gratification
- A strategic plan to get out of debt
- The history of money
- How inflation works
- How to rate your nation’s economy

Principle 2
“Money is a gift. It has a specific use. this means that you have a stewardship. You are to use your money for something that matters, for your family and beyond.”
Principle 11
“Never sacrifice principles for money or possessions. Be honest. Keep your integrity. Keep your priorities in the right order.”
Principle 21
“Put some money into preparing for a worst-case scenario. Don’t be fanatical about this, but don’t ignore it either.”
Principle 31
“Teach your children and youth the principles of financial fitness. Set the example for them. Mentoring them will help you as well as them.”
Principle 42
“Studying and understanding free enterprise is an essential part of financial fitness.”
We call it “The Money Thing”The elusive, often difficult mystery of acquiring, keeping, and continuing to produce enough money to be able to live the life of our choosing.
Now available as a continuous education program worth 22.5 hours of CPE credit! The Financial Fitness Program teaches the principles behind the Offense (making money), Defense (budgeting and discipline), and Playing Field (rules and philosophy of money) of personal finance. With a basic understanding of these three areas, which are rarely taught together as a whole, anyone can learn to prosper, conserve, and multiply the fruits of his or her labor..
Financial Fitness 47
With a basic understanding of these three areas, which are rarely taught together as a whole, anyone can learn to prosper, conserve, and multiply the fruits of his or her labor!
A Financial Education that involves budgeting, roll-down reduction training, planning tools, offensive game plans, teaching on how to arrange your money into a hierarchy, and even learn how your nation’s monetary policy affects your money.
For only $120.00 you will get all of the following:
The Financial Fitness Program contains:
- Financial Fitness Book – The Offense, Defense and Playing Field of Personal Finance in hardcover.
(Silver Medal Winner in the Axiom Business Book Awards and Bronze Medal Winner in the Living Now Book Awards)
- Financial Fitness Workbook
- Financial Fitness Decal
- 8 Audios:
Just can’t get enough of being financially fit? You are working on the defense (budgeting and discipline). You are learning to play offense (making money). And you are becoming more and more familiar with the playing field (rules and philosophy of money) every day. You are exercising your financial muscles, and you like the new found strength that you feel. However…you…want…MORE! Here is your opportunity for a little extra targeted training to add more definition and tone. Get additional tools you can use to take it to the next level and master the sculpting of your own financial physique!
Includes: Over 6 Hours of VIDEO Content & Over 14 Hours of AUDIO Instructions for the Workbook
Are you ready to start selling the LLR Corporate Program but wishing you knew a few more details about everything that is included? Now you can purchase the complete system at once so you can sample all of the content in advance and know exactly what benefits your customers will receive. Promoting the LLR Corporate Program will be much easier when you have all of the books and audios for the entire 6-month course at your fingertips. If you are fired up to start pitching the LLR Corporate Program Subscription, do so with ease when you have all the elements already in your trunk. Study the system firsthand for yourself and head on out into the corporate world with confidence to get those sales!
INCLUDES : 6 Books & 24 Audio Courses
Financial Fitness for Teens handles this crucial but often forgotten topic in an exciting way that shows youth how simple it is to take charge of their finances. Give the next generation a head start on mastering their money and gain leverage in your sales efforts at the same time. Imagine the growth of your financial fitness sales when you can market to the entire family, not just the grown-ups! Pick up a few copies today!
For those who have completed the LLR Corporate Program Course 1, we are pleased to bring you—in one convenient package—the perfect follow-up series that elaborates on the principles taught in Course 1: LLR Corporate Course 2. Further your leadership knowledge and create lasting habits of success! Take your leadership influence to an even higher level as you gain a greater understanding of and build on the principles learned from Course 1 of the LLR Corporate Education System. Continue to nurture and develop the culture of leadership that you have already started to create. The complete LLR Corporate Course 2 will help you discover the ins and outs of how to read like a leader, learn how to take charge of your thoughts and beliefs, increase your ability to sway the hearts and minds of any size audience, and much more with its informative personal and professional development lessons. Lead from the front and watch everyone around you follow in line!
INCLUDES: 6 Books & 24 Audio Courses
The Mental Fitness Challenge (MFC) is a cutting-edge program developed by world-renowned leaders and best-selling authors to teach success thinking that will help enable anyone and everyone to make improvements in their lives. Start your Challenge today by taking the FREE MFC Self-Assessment Test, which will help you determine your strengths and weaknesses based upon thirteen main areas of life outlined in the best-selling book by Orrin Woodward RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions for LIFE. Take the Challenge on your own, with a friend, or in a group—whatever works for you. If you feel like your life is lacking fulfillment, take back control, rise to the Challenge, and you will be pleased to discover that you can start Living the Life You’ve Always Wanted!
Cement leadership habits and thought patterns established during LLRC Courses 1 and 2 with LLRC Course 3. See increased employee engagement, productivity, and retention. And experience lasting results and effectiveness that allow for ongoing success and help to attract high-caliber new talent to your organization. Based on the New York Times bestseller Launching a Leadership Revolution, the LLR Corporate Education Program is designed not just to train your employees but to gradually and effectively develop your existing talent into engaged, contributing, go-to leaders and systemically create a permanent culture of leadership that affects every employee within your organization. Fill your company with high-performance leaders who are proud to leave their “signature” on their work. See increased employee engagement, productivity, and retention. And experience lasting results and effectiveness that allow for ongoing success and help to attract high-caliber new talent to your organization.
INCLUDES : 6 Books & 24 Audio Courses
This kit is for your corporate customers to use as a guide for facilitating Course 1 of the LLRC Education Program to help their staff or team fully grasp all of the life-changing information. By properly administering this information over time, there will be lasting change in the performance, engagement, and professionalism of all people involved. This is a great product to hand off to your most recent LLRC Customers! Launch a Leadership Revolution through proper education!
Financial Fitness Track and Save is a subscription that helps with two key components of the Financial Fitness Program. The Tracker is a service created to help people budget and track expenses on their journey towards debt-freedom. The Saver is a coupon service that helps customers save money on purchases they were already making. With over 15 major product and service categories to choose from, Track and Save is the perfect investment for someone who is serious about getting debt-free.
Customer Reviews
11 review(s) 5 out of 5 stars
So helpful! | 5/4/2015
By: Anne DeBlois
Thank you very much for making this program available! It helped me so much, just paying myself first and investing in my family!
Having dealt with debts several years ago before marrying, without even knowing it was the best way to get out of them, I applied the roll-down method and could pay them back fully, without filing for bankruptcy. This was very helpful.
The Mental Fitness Challenge Course | 12/13/2014
By: John & Delma Scott
I purchased this fantastic product the first week it came out through LIFE Leadership. I listened to all the CD’s immediately and started applying what I could remember. A year passed before I was approached by a Business Partner named Larry, to “Become Accountable”. He offered the chance to participate in a Group where we committed to Reading, Listening and Associating 1 time a week. The plan was to Finish the Book, and start Implementing the 47 Principles of good Financial Fitness within the month……WOW, WHAT A DIFFERENCE! Good information is one thing, but Information Applied has the chance to become GREAT! If you want to see your Finances start improving, don’t just buy this Mental Fitness Challenge Course, APPLY IT! If you have the ability to apply these principles with an accountability team, procrastination gets thrown out the window. That is what it took for me to really implement this course into my LIFE. We are all left at the end of the day to keep doing what we have always done and get the same results. Or, we can make a decision to fix the problem, CHANGE our Habits with the Right Information, and begin a LIFE of Success…in this case, FINANCIAL Success!
John Scott – Former financially poor thinker
Best tool available | 8/20/2014
By: Michael & Susan Waltz
This pack has helped us and so many others track spending, budget, roll down debt, and understand how to navigate the economy. Easy to ready and understand. Budget forms and CD subscription are icing on the cake. Everyone should have one of these packs. Makes a great wedding or graduation gift.
A Must Have for Every Household | 8/12/2014
By: Deonna Moore
This pack saved my financial future! I now have a totally new outlook regarding personal finance, money, and the need for me to be a better steward of what God has given me. The Financial Fitness Pack is the BEST resource for financial literacy!
Truly Life Changing Information… go figures! 😉 | 2/20/2014
By: Ian & Emma Cox
One of the best books I’ve read that connects the dots between purpose, success, and legacy into 47 simple and easily applied principles. A powerful book on detecting and then fulfilling one’s stewardship.
A MUST invest tool | 1/22/2014
By: Alfonso Rodriguez
Coming fresh out of college, without a strong sense of personal budgeting. This pack really helped me discover my goals, how to financially plan for them, and many ways to cut unnecessary costs and maximize my check week after week, month after month. Despite currently working a low-wage job, through learning and applying these principles of Financial Fitness, my bills are being paid each month, I’m building a savings account AND my own business! Where ever you are, what ever you do, these down to earth principles can help you become financially fit!
Changed thinking=Changed Financial Results | 11/30/2013
By: James & Keri Storhok
This pack is a major reason why my wife and I have been able to dig out from over $97,000 worth of debt within the last few months. By changing our financial thinking and applying the principles in this pack, we have been able to make more and save more than ever before! Proper information APPLIED definitely produces RESULTS! Thank you LIFE Leadership!!!
financial fitness | 6/15/2015
The only financial tool needed! | 9/21/2013
By: Douglas & Jaysusan Zwolski
This is the best investment that I made to grow my finical thinking! This financial tool has allowed me to make a few changes in my spending and investing habits to go from $500 in the hole to $850 surplus a month in only three months! That is $1350 shift in my financial plan! This small investment in my thinking has created unlimited return from a one time investment! I am recommending this to everyone that I care about and anyone who wants to make a difference in their lives and the lives of there family and friends! Choose to make a mental shift in your thinking today by investing into your thinking and your financial future today!
WOW! And I thought I was already good with my finances | 8/31/2013
By: Marc-André & Ericka Therrien
Even though I’ve listened and read about personal finance in the past, this Financial Fitness pack just wraps everything you need to know in one simple, yet powerful bundle of information! This pack is definitely the most important pack for anybody in LIFE community because it sets up for long-term financial success! Great Stuff!
AWESOME PACK!!!! | 8/19/2013
By: Thomas & Michele Abbott
In the short time that we have used this pack we have been able to setup a proper budget, find more ways to lower our bills and begin to actually save money. I look forward now to paying down our debt as we move on to financial freedom. This pack not only helped me save but also look forward to building another asset and taught me more about how money actually works. Chris Brady’s Investment Hierarchy is absolutely genius. If you are looking to get out of debt, learn about money and also make money a slave not a master then this is the system for you. May it bless your journey.
By: Jean Kilson Despinasse
It is a nice book to read.