Gold Credit Repair Program
TFor those consumers who need accelerated and specialized services because of an impending home purchase, refinancing or restructuring of an existing loan, The Gold Program is designed for you.
All of the services listed in The Platinum-Plus Program are yours, but with a focus on acceleration. Inquire HERE regarding fees and qualifications..
Corrections with 3 Bureaus at accelerated rate
Debt Validation with Creditors
Specialized Forensic Audit
Personal Credit Concierge™
Personalized Credit Education
Access to Credit Lines
$699 & $199/mo*
*The initial credit consultation is free. This determines your needs and your suitability for this particular program. No-one pays for anything before the service has been completed at KC Credit Services. The full consultation is next, and after completion, the cost of $699 is charged. The full consultation includes a forensic audit of your three bureau credit report, training on how to deal with your creditors, access to healthy trade lines, and proprietary credit education at your own pace. The monthly fee is $199 for this service, and is billed in arrears, meaning the month in which you enter the program will not be debited from your account until the next month. Cancel any time, understanding that one more debit will occur after cancellation for the previous month’s work.
Gold Program FAQ’s
Why should I trust you to do this work?
We encourage you to read the testimonials of real customers and referral partners on our website, check our page on the Better Business Bureau website, and get a feel for our history since 1991. With more than 110,000 customer served, there are no verified negative experiences to view. That says something about the way the owner handles compliance as well as customer care. The loyalty of our customers is outstanding. You can become a raving fan of our business too, just by becoming a customer!
What happens if I miss a payment?
Part of what we teach in our educational emails is responsibility to the debts you have incurred. But if you suffer a financial problem, and your automatic debit is not honored at your bank, simply get us on the phone and make new arrangements. If you fail to do so, then the company will try a total of three times to debit your account. If you have not made arrangements, all work on yoru account ceases, and $20 per attempt will be charged to your account. These penalties will need to be honored before resumption of your monthly commitment with us.
If I cancel early, what will happen to the work you have done?
Financial problems come in many forms. If you find that you cannot make a payment or need to cancel because of financial stress, what we have already accomplished for you will remain so. If there are items that have not yet been achieved, you may always re-enroll. If you re-enroll within 90 days of cancellation, there is no additional enrollment fee, but simply the monthly commitment needs to be honored.
How often should I pull a copy of my credit report?
By the time you are at this stage, you have already signed up for a monitoring service. During the time you are with us, we recommend pulling your credit each month. Remember, the first results will come to your home in 30-45 days, so you may want to wait for 60 days the first time. Be sure to contact your Credit Concierge™ with any questions.
Does the Gold Program really work to move things along faster?
Yes, of course. What it takes is assigning you to a Credit Concierge(tm) that has exceptional abilities, and is dedicated to making things happen much more quickly than the normal route. To have more time dedicated to you personally, it takes more of a commitment both in money you pay and in the hours worked on your behalf. This is why the Gold Program was created…to help you make that home purchase or refinance happen quickly. Please contact us to see if you qualify for the Gold Program.